Sunday, December 30, 2007

Stuffed Crust Pizza

One of my personal favorites is the 'stuffed crust pizza' in any case, this is where you fill the thick pan pizza base crust full of your favorite topping. In many cases this is cheese, however bacon, ham or any other form of stuffing can be used.

You must insert the stuffing prior to baking the pizza while the dough is still damp and moist.

If you are buying pre-made pizza bases then simply defrost and the pizza base until its workable, then gently peel back the base and add the topping of your choice. Do not overfill as the base may split during baking.

The result will be totally uber tasting stuffed crust pizza!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Best Pizza Shops

Some of the best pizza shops are your smaller little outlets that cook the quality pizza with care and fresher ingredients.

While the likes of Pizza Hut, Domino's Pizza and others are cheap and quick - you really don't get the size, quality or freshness of the home made or cornershop pizza. If you cut corners on quality you get a bad taste, its that a simple. Capish?

We'd like to hear wot pizza's the readers are making?

Send us comments with you favourite pizza and toppings and we will publish it here.

A special hello to all our new EntreCard visitors. Behave yourselves!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Updates on John Chow and Youtube

Its surprising to look at the caching and updates sequences of Google. Its good to see how hard their spiders work even when sites are only updated every few weeks or months and not everyday. Our little John Chow SEO experiment is very, very interesting.

On top of the John Chow experiment and addition of John Chow to our blogroll, we have also added a new YouTube site which is called YouTube Pro - featuring new and cool online videos for free, featured all the time. Check that dang thing outties!

(The other advantage of some of our blogroll is that its at the address. Which is something different to - do you know why? Its a secret!)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

John Chow testing

As the John Chow test continues, the efforts increase. Some sites receive a much quicker scan from the search engine spiders and others take that bit longer. John Chow is an evil man. He has climbed his way to the top of the blogging charts and is loved by girls and geeks alike. Stalked, followed and adored, Chow continues to take photos of his food.

The bizzare traits of John Chow just continue to be followed at every turn. Even his attempts to fight Google didn't seem to hurt him. When John Chow lost his top search engine spot, the wheels kept turning and he simply didn't care.

John Chow is certainly a unique individual.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

DOTA Allstars

Take a break from Pizza and check out DOTA Allstars, a blog by that keeps you up to date with DOTA happenings around the globe. Be battlenet ready and check back for tips, tricks and tactics on DOTA.

Whether you are a DOTA noob or DOTA pro - then it doesnt matter, the blog caters for both, showing videos, cheat sheets and strategy guides by regular team writers and newer guest writers each week.

Also, it doesnt matter which country you are from - this site covers all DOTA allstars users from each continent.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Pizza Recipes

Are you a lover of good Pizza? Do you like to cook / bake Pizza regularly but have run out of good Pizza Recipes?

Look no further; I love to cook Pizza several times a week - but have also recently started cooking Pizza from my backyard woodfired Pizza Oven.

Nothing beats the woodfire smell, taste and feel - it is very authentic and not only do I enjoy cooking and having friends over to try my backyard pizzas - but I have started experimenting with different recipes and eventually ran out of pizza recipes to keep using.

After browsing the net, I found a few good sites that have several Pizza Recipes available for free and good info on pizzas in general, other toppings and dough making and tips.

The Pizza Site i use most is below:

Pizza Recipes

I'd love to hear from other Pizza makers out there; feel free to comment on this post with your own Pizza stories and maybe some recipes you might have. Come on Pizza Chefs give me some more ideas.